Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tropic Thunder

I know the movie has been out for weeks, but it wasn't until tonight that I saw the movie "Tropic Thunder."

Yesterday was my friend Cameron Faucette's birthday. Being an Auburn University graduate, watching Auburn football is very important to her, so we decided to have dinner and go to movie today.

And that's exactly what we did.

Cameron wanted to see "Nights at Rodanthe," but figured correctly that Bill and Troy would not want to see that.

Oz and baby Jessica came to dinner to say hello. Oz offered to let V.J. have a night out with us. Next time we'll pick a G or PG movie.

The movie was so silly that we laughed. In fact, I think we were the only ones laughing out loud. And we were laughing loudly.

At one point, Cameron leaned over and said that it was Tom Cruise's best performance in a long time. I was thinking the same thing.

When the credits began to roll, some people behind us gasped when Cruise's name and photo came up.

What? People didn't know? That's just crazy.

We had not been together like this in a long time. We agreed that we need to do this more often.

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