Friday, July 11, 2008

Photos from Japan, Part 9. Cars.

Even though we saw a couple of Hummers in Japan, most were small cars. Very small cars. And while there were plenty of Toyotas, Hondas, Mazdas, Nissans, the names of the cars were unrecognizable. So there is actually a car called the Vitz. And a Netz. And a Fit. Oh, that's sold over here, too.

A true mini-van. I didn't realize there was someone in it at the time. Cheryl made me act like Vanna.

A tiny red car.

Another tiny red car.

This is Tsune-chan's 14-year-old Mini Cooper. It's on a turntable at the parking garage. Once you drive the car onto it, you get out. The attendant pushes a button and it's whisked off into the garage. When you're ready to get it. The attendant pushes another button and it's magically back, pointed toward the street. All you have to do is get and drive away. After paying the attendant, of course.

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