Wednesday, July 23, 2008

OMG! I've got to go on a diet!

A skirt that was loose on my last year will not even close today.

That is not a good thing.

And did you see those pictures of me from Japan?

Of course, most of my relatives wear a size 2 or 4, so I look huge next to them.

So I guess I'm back on that diet, which I hated. But I lost almost 20 lbs. in six months. Of course, I've slowly gained back 10 lbs.

And when you're 5-feet-tall, a pound can make a difference. Being 55 doesn't help either. It seems it takes forever to get motivated to do anything.

So if you see me at an ice cream counter or reaching for a candy bar, slap me!

I'll need everyone's help.

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