Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CSU Alumni Open House

One day, I'd like Ray Lakes to call me just to say hello. When he calls, he needs publicity for one thing or another.

Now, I love talking to him, but come on, Ray!

I've known Ray longer than I'd like to admit. I was a freshman at Columbus College and he was an older student. That's right, I always joke that he's way older than me. In actuality, he's probably only a year or so older. But I call him the old guy.

He's now the director of alumni affairs at Columbus State University. My have we grown up.

This time when he called, Ray wanted me to do something about the CSU Alumni Open House.

I know that there are thousands of CSU graduates in this area.

So some of you should come to the open house at 5-8 p.m. Tuesday in the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, 701 Front Ave.

You'll get to see some people you know and you'll get to meet the new president, Tim Mescon. I think you'll like him.

And of course, you'll see Ray. You may even see me wandering around.

Tickets are $10, and you'll need to make a reservation.

Call 706-565-4100.

OK, Ray. I've done what you asked. You owe me lunch.

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