Monday, May 5, 2008


Two weeks ago, after I judged the Georgia Strawberry Festival's cook-off in Reynolds, Ga., my sister Nancy and I walked around the festival grounds.

On the way back to the car, I stopped and bought 5 lbs. of strawberries.

When I got home, I cleaned then and we ate almost a pound in one sitting.

They were so good.

I went to the grocery store the other night and bought some more.

They could not compare to the ones we had in Reynolds. The ones in the store are shipped from somewhere. They were as pretty as the ones we bought here, but they tasted like nothing. I ended up dipping them in condensed milk. I know, not too healthy!

I just got off the phone with Libby Bond, the woman who runs the cook-off. She said the strawberries are just off their peak, but they're still good. She said this year's crop have been the best she's tasted in a long time.

Libby also said they'll still have strawberries until about the first week of June.

So this weekend, you might want to go to Reynolds and buy some strawberries.

You're gonna love 'em!

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