Monday, May 19, 2008

Slowly, but surely

OK, every time I turn on this laptop, I'm figuring out what to do. Tonight, I figured out how to retrieve my e-mail at work from a remote location.

There's got to be another way to delete the unwanted e-mails, though. Again, I'll figure that out.

I'm a procrastinator and I waited until the last minute to buy a new camera. I found just the one I wanted at Wal-mart.

As I was waiting for the clerk to finish helping another customer, I know she saw me waiting for her. I looked away for a minute and she was gone.

I went to the next department and the guy said the department was closed and because he didn't work there, he didn't have the key to open the case to help me.

So much for customer service.

Oh, well.

I guess I'll get one in Tokyo.

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