Remember yesterday when I said that Meryl Rifkin moved to Los Angeles so her son, Aaron, can continue to study and audition for acting roles? And that she's the one who has been getting the acting jobs?
Well, she sent me some photos to show me that Aaron has been going out to do some look-sees that have paid off.
"Aaron's face is on the box of a video sound rocker, being sold at Toys R Us and Costco and online," she wrote. "I walked by a stack of the boxes in Costco last week and was shocked when I happened by it. I stopped strangers to tell them -- crazy mom that I am. I took Aaron and Andy by there later without telling them anything and they were obviously pleasantly surprised. And then I stopped strangers again to show them Aaron and the boxes right next to each other. Here are two photos for you to see. Yes, I bought one -- $100 for a box -- he he he he he! -- but I do have to say the video rocker is an awesome product. It has built-in speakers and bass and sounds fabulous. The chair is comfy too and it made a great extra Hanukkah gift for Aaron. The website is www.pyramat.com that he is on. Click on sound rocker and he should come up. If you see a blond-headed kid, keep clicking around -- he is there."
She said that while she misses Columbus, Los Angeles is "incredible."
The big news right now is her daughter, Randi, is going to have a baby in August.
"I am so psyched to be a grandma," Meryl writes. "Nothing like loving and spoiling a baby and being able to give it back. She and Jordon are ecstatic as you can imagine. I can't believe I am old enough to be a grandma. But, I cannot wait."
She's also been cast in a pilot that will air on HBO in May or June.
"We are supposed to start filming Feb. 16. Girl, it is one of those Hollywood stories where one is at the right place at the right time and being just right. The show will be titled, 'The Don Juan Club,' and will involve a lot of drama concerning the high fashion modeling industry; gambling, loan sharks, mafia; also a situation with an injured Army veteran who served in Iraq, etc. It will have a lot of appeal to both men and women. I am playing the ex-wife of a mafia boss. If it is picked up as a series and chances are really good it will be, my character will become a major role in the story. There is more I could tell you too, but I am so afraid of saying too much as of yet. I will keep you informed. Right now, I am in a position where my childhood dreams could very well come true."
You don't know how happy this news makes me. Meryl went through a lot when her husband died in a car accident. I think it was her children that kept her sane through those dark days. And then when Andy became more than a friend, she began laughing again.
Good for you, Meryl. It's looking like 2009 may be the year for you and your family!
She said that while she misses Columbus, Los Angeles is "incredible."
The big news right now is her daughter, Randi, is going to have a baby in August.
"I am so psyched to be a grandma," Meryl writes. "Nothing like loving and spoiling a baby and being able to give it back. She and Jordon are ecstatic as you can imagine. I can't believe I am old enough to be a grandma. But, I cannot wait."
She's also been cast in a pilot that will air on HBO in May or June.
"We are supposed to start filming Feb. 16. Girl, it is one of those Hollywood stories where one is at the right place at the right time and being just right. The show will be titled, 'The Don Juan Club,' and will involve a lot of drama concerning the high fashion modeling industry; gambling, loan sharks, mafia; also a situation with an injured Army veteran who served in Iraq, etc. It will have a lot of appeal to both men and women. I am playing the ex-wife of a mafia boss. If it is picked up as a series and chances are really good it will be, my character will become a major role in the story. There is more I could tell you too, but I am so afraid of saying too much as of yet. I will keep you informed. Right now, I am in a position where my childhood dreams could very well come true."
You don't know how happy this news makes me. Meryl went through a lot when her husband died in a car accident. I think it was her children that kept her sane through those dark days. And then when Andy became more than a friend, she began laughing again.
Good for you, Meryl. It's looking like 2009 may be the year for you and your family!