Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

This is Chloe in a scene from the Disney movie "Beverly Hills Chihuahua," which opens Friday night.

You know that I have an ill-tempered, hot-headed, mean-as-a-snake long-haired Chihuahua named Chipper.

His name definitely belies his character.

He is, however, a beautiful dog and when he's sweet, he is just a sweet dog.

But he goes from sweet to mean in no time flat.

Last night, Chipper was snuggling next to me on the sofa. I moved slightly. He jumped up, whirled in my direction, bared his teeth, growled and bit me on my wrist. It happened in seconds.

If you see me out in the next few days, ask and I'll show you the teeth marks. And the scratch on my forearm.

Even though he's so bad, I can't help it. I still love the little bugger. He was the very first dog that was my own.

He weighed less than a pound and was so sweet. He was always wagging his tail and licking everyone. He was just a happy little dog.

I actually bought him for my mother. She's always wanted a little long-haired Chihuahua. But at the time, her beloved Pomeranian, Cherry, was still alive. The first night, when she went to bed, she left Chipper with me. "Cherry doesn't like him," was what she said.

So I left Chipper in his box in the living room. But I couldn't stand his whining and crying, so I brought him in to my room.

I didn't know at the time that Chihuahuas will pick one person in the family and will bond with that person. That meant from that moment on, he was my dog.

He was the sweet little, even-tempered dog until he was about 6-months-old. I don't know what happened. The woman I got him from simply said, "He's a Chihuahua."

Yeah, like that explains his behavior.

Every now and then, I think he remembers that he's supposed to be my mother's dog and will go to sleep with her. That happens every six months or so or a night or two.

Then he's back with me.

Now, of course, I have Piiko, my gorgeous little Peke-a-poo, and sweet, lovable Pookie Belle. Pookie is Chipper and Piiko's offspring.

All three of them sleep with me.

Anyway, back to "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." I can't wait to see it!

My sister-in-law, Cheryl, wants to see it, too. She has three Chihuahuas, and her Ginger (she's a couple of months older than Piiko) is ready to have puppies.

I can't wait to see them.


Troy Heard said...

Are you for real?! Beverly Hills Chihuahuah?! Hmm...

Did I tell you my mom has a Chihooahooa? His name's Bennie, and he looks like an overstuffed Taco Bell burrito with stubby little stumps...wayyy too fat for his own good.

Sandra Okamoto said...

Yes, and I'm taking you with me!