Friday, August 31, 2007


Today is Jessica's birthday. I cannot believe my niece is 20.

I remember when she turned 10, she bitterly complained that Princess Diana died on her birthday, and everyone was talking about that, instead of remembering that it was her birthday.

Now that she's older, I think she knows that the world does not revolve around her. In fact, she's going to do a great deal of good for the world. I know it.

When Jess came home from the University of Florida this summer, she announced that she's a vegan. She really wants to do good things. She worked as an intern for Cathy Williams and the NeighborWorks Columbus office this summer. Cathy is still raving about how she loves Jess. Cathy graduated from Spencer High School with Fred in 1975, so she's known us for a long time. But she had not met Jess until this summer.

So next summer, I expect she'll be in some third world country. Or rather economically undeveloped country as she corrected me one night!

I hope she stays like this forever, though sadly, I'm sure she'll be disillusioned some day.

In the meantime, happy birthday, baby girl!

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