Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My first time as a blogger

This is all new to me. I even had to ask a colleague what blog meant.
Now here I am, writing one.
Why is my blog called Simply Sandra? Because that's what another co-worker, photographer Mike Haskey, always calls me. And I thought it was a good enough name for a blog.
I'll be writing about what's going on in the arts locally and sometimes even regionally.
I often hear things about various local actors and directors that just won't make it in the newspaper, like when Christopher Wright and Katie Deal announced their engagement. I kind of thought I was too close to Christopher to write about it and passed the story to another reporter. I could have written about it first in a blog.
I will not, however, deal with gossip. So if that's what you're looking for, you're out of luck.
I'll tell you what I think of events that I go to because we really don't review things here. Trust me, I won't really be writing reviews because as I've told people, there's not enough money in the world for me to review anything in this town. But I will talk about what I thought of a play at the Springer Opera House, Liberty Theatre or Columbus State University, events at the RiverCenter for the Performing Arts or art exhibits at the Columbus Museum or Columbus State University.
I hope you will write me and tell me what you think of our arts coverage and maybe you can pass me some story ideas that I may not get from my usual sources.
I think we'll have fun doing this together.


pine mountain sid said...

I am looking froward to this blog site. Please don't forget the Cottonmouths when warrranted.

Good luck.


Troy Heard said...

Awesome!!! Welcome to the addicting world of blogging. Since I'm like 3000 miles away, I get my Sandra fix online, and keep in the know of what's going on in the hometown...it'll be great to get a more personal spin!

Unknown said...

Sandra, it's John Page under my nom de internet (actually it's just my google account name, but hey...) Great beginning...there is absolutely no telling what will appear here....Congratulations on Taking Your Act Into Cyberspace!


Chris said...

I am taking a class on blogging and after reading your column, decided to check yours out! I'll check back often! Good blogging!

Dangthatboycancook said...

I have to blog for a class I take at GSU on Tuesday nights. Sandra you must have been talking to my professors. It's cool though, I'm always up for talking about good music, awesome food, and cinema (mainly cheesey SCIFI). Maybe our conversations will bring our surrounding area to a better understanding of the arts.

Hernice said...

Sandy this is wonderful. I love your BLOG

Winnie said...


This is "simply" great! Congrats!
Robert Putnam would really love knowing about this... he's up for a directorship position(in theatre) at Woodward Academy in Atlanta.

love ya,

Ms. Haywood said...

Glad you're blogging now. It will be nice to go to this blog to find out what's going on.