Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm back from my last vacation week of 2007.

As usual, there were so many e-mails that it took half a day to go through them.

Did you make any New Year's resolutions?

Of course, the No. 1 on my list was to lose weight. And then in no order, it was to save money, go ot more shows and concerts and watch more movies in a theater. To appease my niece, Jessica, who has gone vegan and is our environmental advocate, I pledge to go "greener" this year.

This morning, as I watched "Good Morning America," I was thrilled to find a diet that was tailor-made for me: the flat belly diet. Since I'm closer to being 60 now than I'd like to admit, it sounded really good.

There was a woman from Prevention magazine who talked about the new book, "The Flat Belly Diet." You can also go to

You just add "good fats" from nuts, avocado and dark chocolate to your diet and eliminate "bad fats."

When I heard dark chocolate, I knew this was it!

But you know what?

The secret to losing weight isn't a new diet book.

It's eating more veggies and fruits, less butter and more olive oil, more lean meat and less yummy steaks. More whole grains.

And exercise.

I know this. You know this.

I just love all the bad foods -- fatty meats and butter, bacon and eggs.

And I hate to exercise.

I guess I'm stuck with this body.

As for the other resolutions?

We'll see at the end of the year.

Let me know how your resolutions turn out in December.

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